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Showing posts from 2011

Health Matters

The earliest days of the New Year sadly only act to confirm my w orst fears regarding the state of the public sector in Ireland (and in particular health facilities). Like an ever repeating broken record, we hear accounts at the beginning of January regarding the gross over-crowding of our public hospitals. Though we are told that lessons have been learnt with new plans in place to ensure that the same problems do not arise the following year, unfortunately it is always the same old story (with however matters even worse than before). Of course the HSE will immediately point to the cuts in the health budget as a ready excuse. However the problem is really much worse than this with the truth being that we have an health service now in Ireland that in many ways has become increasingly dysfunctional. There are many reasons for this sorry state of affairs pointing to key weaknesses in the Irish personality in dealing with administrative failure. Firstly there is a huge lack o...