Once again Anglo Irish Bank is in the news - for all the wrong reasons. This week it is about to announce the largest corporate losses in Irish financial history which could be - if reports are right - as high as €14 bl. Having already received in the region of €4 bl. last year in Gov. capitalisation, it looks like a further $7 bl. or so further handouts from the Government will now be additionally required to keep the bank functioning. And it would take a great deal of optimism to believe that this will be the end of the story! Not surprisingly when the public hears of the horrendous losses made by this one bank (that has no branch network) the cries go up to close it down immediately so as to avoid further losses. However though understandable at one level such a policy is not realistic. The losses that arise relate to the excessive loans extended during the Celtic Tiger to fund - in the main - highly extravagant commercial property developments both here in Ireland, the UK and the U...
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