Well! The Irish Budget which promised draconian cuts in expenditure certainly lived up to expectations with most of the burden falling on public servants and welfare recipients. Naturally both Trade Unions and members are extremely angry as a result. However the important question that really arises relates to the existence - if any - of more palatable alternatives. From one perspective I actually applaud Brian Lenihan for at least having the guts and leadership qualities to follow through on what he considered necessary and yet which was bound to be highly unpopular among large sections of the population. And indeed there is a valid case for the measures he took. Overall expenditure is way out of line with revenue receipts. Also surveys show that public sector pay in general is much higher than the private sector in an economy that is seriously lacking in competitiveness. Quite simply the price of most products and services is excessive at present in Ireland. Likewise due to an actual...
Comments on contemporary issues in Irish economic affairs